Desember 29, 2020

How to Make A Presentation In Google Meet

In this video will explain how to share screen on google meet. In order to make it easier for us to make presentations on Google Meet.


Deploying Functional Grammar


This workbook is the culmination of a project initiated in the early 1980s by Jim Martin and Clare Painter, who was joined in the endeavor by Christian Matthiessen in 1988. We three were all concerned to provide support materials for students and colleagues who were learning the analyses proposed in Halliday's Introduction to Functional Grammar. In particular, we shared the experience of guiding students through familiar kinds of difficulties year after year – and wanted to prepare materials that would help learners through and around these experiences. We also wanted to provide some support for people learning the grammar on their own, or without the dialogue provided by a critical mass of systemic linguists such as we enjoy in the Sydney metropolitan region.


Syntax In Functional Grammar


This book is designed principally for students of language and linguistics, and applied

linguistics. It should, in addition, be of interest to students of language education and to

advanced students of English.

The book has two purposes. Firstly, although there are several recent, good introductions to

systemic grammar on the market which focus primarily on the semantic functional dimension

(e.g. Bloor and Bloor 1995, Eggins 1994, Thompson 1996 and, of course, Halliday 1985a/

1994a), many lecturers wish to teach the syntactic framework before tackling the semantic



Desember 28, 2020

Language Acquisition



Topic I: The development of Speech Production.

1.      Explain the concept of vocalization, babbling, and speech?


-          Infant make a variety of sound, crying, cooing, and gurgling.

-          The variety of sound is same everywhere.

-          Unlearned ability.


Desember 21, 2020

Project Based Learning and Problem Based Learning Method

 Project Based Learning

Pengertian Project Based Learning

Project Based Learning merupakan sebuah model pembelajaran yang sudah banyak dikembangkan di negara-negara maju seperti Amerika Serikat. Jika diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia, Project Based Learning bermakna sebagai pembelajaran berbasis proyek.

Pembelajaran berbasis proyek (PBL) merupakan metode belajar yang menggunakan masalah sebagai langkah awal dalam pengumpulan dan mengintegrasikan pengetahuan baru berdasarkan pengalamannya dalamberaktivitas secara nyata. PBL dirancang untuk digunakan pada permasalahan komplek yang diperlukan pelajaran dalam melakukan investigasi dan memahaminya. Berikut pengertian PBL menurut beberapa ahli.

Desember 15, 2020

Argumentative Essay

The reasons why learning English is important for us. The first, the opportunity to get a better job. ( stated that having the ability to speak English will be an added value for us, and many company requirements require people with English language skills, able to speak English to expand employment opportunities abroad. The next reason is being able to keep up with the times. From, with the more advanced development, we must be able to speak English so that we know the development because the direction of the development of these advancements is in Western countries which generally use English as the standard language. The fourth is understanding technology. Almost all the latest technology tools use English. Understanding English can make it easier to understand technology properly and correctly. Technology that is increasingly advancing will be more widely opened in English. The last reason, continuing higher education, tests at various universities includes English language tests to be one of the tested. Knowing our English will be facilitated to get through this. it will not be a barrier to moving forward when we want to reach our dreams. So it is clear how important we learn English, even very important.
